Holistic Herbs And Supplements Can Help Reduce Arthritis Knee Pain

DePuy Knee Lawsuit News

Here are some ideas from the Arthritis Foundation on how to alleviate arthritis knee pain short of having it amputated and replaced with a mechanical device

Monday, April 1, 2019 - The Arthritis Foundation is full of wonderful ideas on how to manage and alleviate arthritis pain short of undergoing radical joint replacement surgery. It is clear that the medical group feels that total knee replacement should be considered as a last resort and undertaken only after all other avenues of treatment have been explored.

Doctors today view knee replacement as the go-to treatment for knee joint osteoarthritis. There are many more ways, however, to treat arthritic knee pain other than to take a doctor's advise and rush into total knee replacement surgery. Recommending knee replacement surgery is where the doctor's "bread is buttered" and their recommendation is usually jaded by financial considerations. Doctors make millions of dollars every year by implanting artificial knees in patients and not a penny sending them away with a list of lifestyle changes that have been proven to improve their condition. It is rarely in the patient's best interest to undergo radical knee surgery without first recommending that the patient try alternative treatments.

Arthritis.org has produced a list of 9 natural herbal supplements that have shown promise in scientifically conducted clinical trials to alleviate the pain from "rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA) and arthritis-related conditions." The first recommendation that the organization makes is for arthritis patients to try SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine). According to the website, "Sam-e" is an analgesic with anti-inflammatory properties. The tablets are recommended for osteoarthritis sufferers and sold over the counter. Sam-e's properties include "stimulating cartilage growth and affecting neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which reduce pain perception." DePuy defective knee lawsuits represented by top national attorneys are helping people understand their rights and offer a free consultation before filing a claim.

The second type of holistic medicine arthritis sufferers are urged to try is Boswellia Serrate (Indian frankincense). Like Sam-e, Boswellic acids have "anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. It also may help prevent cartilage loss and inhibit the autoimmune process. A 2008 study found that Boswellia "significantly improved OA pain and function within seven days."

Capsaicin (Capsicum frutescens) "inhibits substance P, a pain transmitter." Studies have recorded arthritis patients recording a 50% reduction in their pain in the first month of taking Capsaicin topical cream, gel or patch.

Arthritis.org goes on to recommend arthritis sufferers add Tumeric/Curcumin to their diets as well. "A 2010 clinical trial using a turmeric supplement showed long-term improvement in pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Using Tumeric blocks inflammation caused by cytokines and enzymes.

Other holistic and natural approaches recommended for arthritis sufferers include adding one or more of the following to your diet or taking tablets. Avocado-soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU), Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa), Fish Oil (Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA), Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), and Ginger (Zingiber officinale). The features and benefits of these and other osteoarthritis treatments can be found on www.arthritis.org as well as links to purchase the products online. In addition to these natural dietary supplements, most knee and hip osteoarthritis sufferers benefit greatly by losing at least ten percent of their body weight and eating a more "plant-based" diet.

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