Several More Lifestyle Changes To Help Alleviate Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

DePuy Knee Lawsuit News

Knee replacement is a billion-dollar business and asking for objective advice from a doctor may be like asking a barber if you need a haircut

Wednesday, April 10, 2019 - For millions of senior citizens, knee pain called osteoarthritis is excruciating, constant, and makes their lives miserable. Imagine your knee feeling so inflamed, sore, unstable and full of fluid that you can not bend the joint at all. Imagine that every time you try to take a step sharp stabbing pain radiates throughout your body. Osteoarthritis knee pain is so severe that seniors are tempted to take the quick fix to solve the problem by having total knee replacement surgery. Osteoarthritis patients should know that knee replacement surgery is big business for orthopedic surgeons and that there are several easier and much less expensive ways not only to alleviate osteoarthritic knee pain, but also to make you healthier, feel better, and maybe even live longer. DePuy knee lawsuits represented by top national attorneys offering a free consultation before filing a claim.

The first way to quickly alleviate arthritis pain is to have the fluid on the knee drained. Back in the day, osteoarthritis used to be called having "water on the knee," and the standard treatment was to have the knee fluid drained out. This procedure is called knee aspiration, and provides instant relief that can last for weeks or even months, is minimally invasive, and can be performed in the comfort and convenience of your doctor's office. When a patient returns home from having their knee drained they are advised to limit "weight bearing" activities for a while, such as going for long walks or carrying your grandmother's barbells up to the attic. The patient should keep the knee elevated as much as possible and use ice packs to reduce the swelling. The patient can also augment their immediate knee pain relief with over-the-counter pain medications taken in moderation.

Losing weight following having the knee drained is also universally recommended. The knee is the body's major load-bearing joint and the less of a load it has to bear, the better it will perform. Join the gym and tell your trainer that you have osteoarthritis of the knee and need a zero impact, mild to easy workout routine to strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the knee. Most gyms also offer yoga classes that can include isometric and stretching exercises that strengthen the knee and all of the surrounding tissues. If your local gym has a pool, swimming is also an excellent way to get a total body workout with zero debilitating impact. In addition to having your knee drained and, moderate knee strengthening exercises eating properly can go a long way to reducing chronic knee joint pain. A diet too high in protein can cause acid to build up in the blood that is met by the body producing too much calcium to correct the condition. Tiny calcium deposits can accumulate within the knee joint and impinge on the knee's range of motion, flexibility, and stability. And the good news is that you don't need to brand your self a vegan, wear tie-dye clothes or learn to play the finger cymbals to eat better. Simply cut your meat intake in half and replace it at every meal with a hearty vegetable like broccoli, cauliflower or green beans. You will not get skinny but your weight should gradually normalize and it is a diet that you can live with.

Remember, opting to relieve knee pain with total knee replacement surgery offers no guarantee of immediate pain relief, and to the contrary, requires months and sometimes years of physical therapy to relieve the pain that radical knee replacement entails. It may be difficult to find a doctor willing to take the knee therapy approach to osteoarthritis but the results will be worth the effort.

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